Withdrawal Notice - Students

If your student will be withdrawing from South Lyon Community Schools, please complete this Withdrawal form.  

Withdrawal Form - Student

Please email your school office staff listed below as well to let them know that you completed the above form.  

Bartlett - Casey Charette - charettec@slcs.us   
Brummer - Tara Ehrhardt - ehrhardtt@slcs.us
Dolsen - Lanna Steward - STEWARDL@slcs.us 
Hardy - Kristi Miller - millerk@slcs.us  
Kent Lake - Jessica Jose - josej@slcs.us  
Pearson - Dawn Sprinkles - sprinklesd@slcs.us  
Salem - Marie Seiter - seiterm@slcs.us  
Sayre - Katherine Housman - housmank@slcs.us 
Millennium - Jill Smith - SMITHJ2@slcs.us 
Centennial - Kellie Angelosanto - ANGELOSANTOK@slcs.us 
South Lyon High School - Carolyn Kruger - KRUEGERC@slcs.us 
South Lyon East High School - Jody Raguckas - raguckasj@slcs.us