The South Lyon Community Schools has adopted the following mission statement:

In support of our community, the mission of the South Lyon Community Schools is to provide the highest quality educational process so that all students can excel as individuals and become contributing members of society.

To accomplish our mission, the South Lyon Community Schools endorses the concept of Shared Involvement Process (SIP) as the necessary and appropriate means by which all educational decisions of the highest quality are most likely to be achieved at all levels.

The following are examples of the many benefits of the Shared Involvement Process:

  • Improving the morale of the staff
  • Focusing accountability for decisions
  • Nurturing and stimulating new leaders
  • Increasing quantity and quality of communication
  • Increasing ownership into decisions to be made
  • Placing decisions at the closest level to those affected
  • Promoting input of a greater and more diverse nature

So what is Shared Involvement Process (SIP)?

SIP is a process for soliciting, collecting, evaluating and using information and the expertise of educational partners for the purpose of making and implementing decisions that will improve or enhance student achievement.

The building SIP committee may implement decisions that do not impact other buildings in the district, do not require the expenditure of more funds than are available in the approved budget and do not conflict with district goals, procedures, policies, collective bargaining agreements or federal or state laws and requirements.

Building Committee

Each building will have a committee consisting of the building principal, a minimum of two elementary teachers, and at the secondary level, a minimum of three teachers or a ratio of 1/500 students. Teachers will be chosen in a manner acceptable to the staff. Also on the committee will be a minimum of one support staff and, when possible, representation from the community. Parent representation will equal the number of teachers and be chosen by the SIP or by other parents in the school. At each middle school, two eighth-grade students may be members when deemed appropriate. At the high school level, a total of four students, one from each grade, will be selected under the direction of the student government.


The responsibility of the SIP is to review and/or approve, when appropriate, the school improvement efforts, e.g. each phase of the credentialing and NCA process, MEAP outcomes, AYP goals, Ed. Yes/MI Plan requirements and outcomes, and school climate and safety issues. These items will be included on the SIP agendas when appropriate.

Duration of Terms

The duration of terms will be implemented to ensure the continuity of membership. Prospective members should be made aware that a commitment of time will be necessary to effectively deal with these building issues and responsibilities.

To view the monthly SIP Agenda and Minutes, kindly click on this link.