School Improvement

Prior to the opening of Centennial Middle School, the original South Lyon Middle School (now Millennium Middle School) was awarded accreditation status by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. When Centennial Middle School opened, a portion of the already accredited middle school staff formed the foundation of the second middle school. The staff at Centennial Middle School utilized the 2002-2003 school year to become familiar with our new building, new students, new opportunities, and certainly new challenges. After a year of observation and assessment, a profile was developed in 2004 to establish the next cycle of the North Central Process. Since then Centennial has had a Quality Assurance Review (QAR).  In 2015 CMS received accreditation from AdvanceEd. The current CMS school improvement goals are as follows:

Goal:  All students will be proficient in reading comprehension when engaged in both narrative and expository text. 

Goal:  All students will be proficient in writing. 

Goal:  All students will be proficient in mathematical reasoning and fluency.

The Centennial staff continues to gather data to help direct instructional strategies at Centennial. Considering “trend” data from assessments given here at CMS, the staff adjusts the AYP plan on a regular basis to meet student needs.